Sunday, January 18, 2009

Elder Eric left on Wednesday morning at 7a.m. Which meant we left our house at 5:30. It was a blast! Only mom, dad and I went to "send him off". There were 3 other elder's leaving that morning along with Eric so he felt a little better about that. It was a sad morning, just like sending off every missionary is, but it was great. My mom and I sat on the couch watching Saved By The Bell, crying, until I had to leave for school. When I got home she told me she had just gotten off the couch. Haha!
Eric's been gone a whole 5 days and already we've sent him a package, an e-mail from my mom, I sent him a long letter and the young women in our ward have too! He's going to be spoiled when it comes to letters and such.
After Eric was set apart. President Smith, Eric, Mom & Dad
Eric & Friends

I'm going to miss him terribly but I know he's doing the right thing. He will be the best missionary!