15 January, 2009
Well here I am. I guess I'm like in the MTC and living with three people I didn't even know existed. My comp is Elder Jorgensen from Richfield, UT. He's like 6'4" and a really cool chill guy. The other two in here are Elder Malcolm from Clovis, CA and Elder Davies From Taylorsville, UT. It's really fun
So today was my first full day here. It seemed to go by fast. Yesterday was slow as can be. Orientations like no other. I would like to explain my whole first day, but that would take forever. SO I'm gonna let you guess on that one. I did see Ryan Powell and Jesse Fleming.
In a mere 12 hours today (9 of it in class), I learned the alphabet, about 20 words, how to spell them and we learned how to say a basic prayer too. It's so so so so awesome! Our teachers are Brother wells and Sister Perkins. Our district is 8 elders and 2 sisters. They're the ones I spend all day with. It's a blast! Tootles.
-Elder Eric J.
There's a Sister Perkins here. I wonder if it's the same person.